


Our team has a variety of specialist bilingual tutors trained to offer services in the educational area. All of us have experience in public and private schools and are experts in information and communication technologies. We faithfully believe in accessible education and collaboration with families.

Educational coaching

We offer one-on-one consulting services for parents and educators. In the initial meeting, we conduct a needs study and develop an individualized plan. Different educational coaching sessions are worked on based on the plan’s objectives.

Workshops for parents

This service is specially designed for parents who want to strengthen their educational skills and promote an environment conducive to the growth and development of their children. Our workshops offer a unique opportunity to acquire practical tools and effective strategies that will contribute to the well-being and success of your little ones.

Support homeschool community

We support the homeschooler community, offering guidance and a personalized and enriching education for your children. Our goal is to empower students to reach their full academic potential and develop key skills that will open doors to a successful future while respecting the work style of each family.

Online courses

We offer different online courses aimed at parents and educators. We present teaching strategies and resource management to meet the needs of students based on the theory of multiple intelligences.

Summer Workshops

Every month in July, we offer the Learningbp Summer Workshops. Each workshop is designed to achieve cognitive stimulation in a fun way. Our workshops focus on developing the student’s abilities and intelligences. Some topics we work on in the workshops are acting, agriculture, art, comics, crafts, creative writing, drawing, entrepreneurship, introductory French, science, technology, yoga, and Zumba.

Contact us for a free orientation.